English Theater Apeldoorn is a non-profit associaition. This means we are a democratic organization by nature. We are governed by our board elected by our members and we adhere to our regulations as below.
English Theater Apeldoorn Association Statutes
Name and seat
Article 1
The association’s name is “English Theater Apeldoorn”, abbreviated as ETA and stationed in Apeldoorn, Gelderland, The Netherlands.
Article 2
- The association aims to be a platform for non-professional theatre practice in its broadest sense, including the dramatic expression and skills involved with producing a theatrical production.
- By operating in English language, the association aims to provide a space for intercultural exchange, contributing to the connections between the Dutch and non-Dutch people of Apeldoorn and surroundings.
- It is also the associaitions’ goal to promote connections between its members and other amateur artists and communities in Apeldoorn and its surroundings.
Article 3
- The association consists of members who can be active or inactive in the weekly activities that lead to a new stage play.
- The board shall keep a register containing the names and addresses of the members.
- Members are required to adhere to the association statutes.
- Membership is possible in two ways:
- Active member: Member who is involved in the current production. Can have only acting, only production and behind the scenes, or a mixture of responsibilities.
- Silent member: A previously active member who is not involved in the current project.
- Members take on these responsibilities on a volunteer basis and without any obligation, and they carry out these to the best of their abilities.
- Unless cancelled, a membership continues indefinitely.
- Members receive benefits:
- Participation in additional (educational) activities like workshops when available
- Buy or reserve tickets with priority (and therefore benefit from early discounts, if applicable)
- Silent members may reserve up to 3 free seats per performance
- Free promotional items (i.e. stickers, buttons) when applicable
- Free marketing material at the end of a production (take home posters, flyers, programs…)
- Members may not request financial compensation for the work they carry out as part of the association’s activates, however they may request reimbursement of any earlier negotiated expenses that incur on behalf on the association.
Admission and Contribution
Article 4
- To become a member of the association one should contact the association, ideally via email or by filling in a relevant web form. The association will contact interested parties as soon as possible, and inform them whether the association is recruiting new members at that point.
- Before becoming a member, interested parties have to fill in a form that states their name and address and other personal details as required. This information will be kept on file during the individual’s membership.
Article 5
- The theatre season starts on September 1 and runs until August 31.
- Everyone who is a member on September 1, or becomes a member within a respective season, has to pay contribution for that whole season. Therefore, members who wish to cancel their membership for an upcoming season must to do so before the end of the current season.
- If voted on by the board, the duration of the obligation to pay contribution can be shortened or an amount waived for individuals with special conditions (for example refugees without funding, extra members accepted mid-season or members who had to cancel their membership early in the season due to extraordinary circumstances).
- Contribution is determined by the General Assembly and is currently set to €120 per season per member.
- Members can opt for paying the contribution in two instalments at pre-determined timepoints in the season by the board.
- The payable amount is the same for all members, no matter their function or involvement.
- If voted on by the board during a meeting, this contribution can be a smaller amount.
- Should a member not pay on time, the board will send a reminder within two weeks. If the member fails to pay their debt within two months, or provide a reason for their inability accepted by a board decision, they may face a fine or their membership may be ended by the board.
Cancelling the Membership
Article 6
- The membership ends
- By termination by the member;
- By expulsion by the board for non-payment;
- By cancellation by the General Assembly;
- Termination request of the membership by the members should be at least be one month before the actual termination of the membership. The termination has to be done in writing via an official channel (i.e. association’s email) and be handed to the board.
- Cancellation by General Assembly is proposed by the board. It can be pronounced when a member acts contrary to the statutes, rules set up by the producer/director regarding the current production, or harms the association unreasonably.
- The decision of cancellation by the General Assembly will be active by a majority of two/third of valid votes and after the person concerned has failed to defend themselves.
The Board
Article 7
- The board consists of minimum two, and ideally three, members who appoint a President, Secretary and Treasurer from among themselves.
- The board is appointed by the General Assembly.
- The duty period of a board member lasts until the member resigns. It is also possible for ETA members to request a re-election / change in the board. The change in board occurs preferably by the end of a project and before the new season begins.
- To replace a member of the board, a vote of two/thirds is necessary by the General Assembly.
- All members of the board are entitled to resign, provided that this is done in writing, ideally with a notice period of two months.
- If an intentional misdoing of a board member is identified by the General Assembly, they may be deemed liable of the consequences of their actions even after they no longer are part of the board.
Board Tasks
Article 8
- The board is charged with managing the association.
- The board represents the association in and out of court.
- The board can be represented by a designated representative.
- If agreed on by the General Assembly, (financial) liabilities of the board may be distributed among other members of the association.
General Assembly
Article 9
- A General Assembly serves the purpose of the board to report to the members, announce decisions, or carry out voting and discussions as needed.
- It includes all members, but needs a minimum of two/thirds of all members.
- The board shall inform all members of the General Assembly at least 1 week in advance via email.
- Members can request a General Assembly upon which the board has to organize such a meeting within three weeks.
- Within two months after the end of the season a special General Assembly named the Annual Meeting will take place. During this meeting the board must present the annual report, including the financial management and status of the association. If the members wish, a committee of members not on the board will review the annual report.
- When decided appropriate by the board, a voting that would normally take place during a General Assembly may be carried out via digital platforms (i.e. email). The board shall notify all members at least 1 week in advance via email, answer questions or consider requests before the voting has to take place. Board shall take any reasonable precautions to keep the votes confidential.
Article 10
- Disputes regarding the interpretation or application of the regulations and internal rules are decided by the board.
Changing of the Regulations
Article 11
- Changes in these articles may be applied only when the decision to do so was passed with a vote of two/thirds during a General Assembly.
- In case the regulations get changed each member will be notified of this change via email.
Dissolving the association
Article 12
- The association may be dissolved by the General Assembly. A full member vote is necessary.
- Upon dissolution the funds (all already liquid and liquefied assets) of the association will be donated towards a cause voted on by the General Assembly.
- If the association carries any debts, these debts will be cleared before dissolving the association based on a liability scheme as agreed on in the General Assembly.