Blog posts & News
Stay up to date about opportunities at English Theater Apeldoorn or get a look behind the scenes. Everything juicy and current lives here!
Meanwhile in Apeldoorn – Het Grote Verhaal van Apeldoorn wordt tot leven gebracht
Het project van English Theater Apeldoorn voor seizoen 2024-2025 is bekend! We gaan een selectie verhalen van Het Grote Verhaal van Apeldoorn tot leven brengen. Elk verhaal wordt een korte voorstelling die we op een passende locatie zullen opvoeren. Maar dat is niet...
Meanwhile in Apeldoorn – Het Grote Verhaal van Apeldoorn comes to life
English Theater Apeldoorn's project for 2024-2025 season is now known. We will bring a selection of stories from Het grote verhaal van Apeldoorn to life! Each story will make a short play which we will perform at a relevant location. But that's not all. These will...
We are looking for a photographer
English Theater Apeldoorn is going to perform Project Lipsync: Blondie vs. Queen on two dates in GIGANT Apeldoorn. For our premiere on 7 July in Theaterzaal, we are looking for a photographer. Below, you can find some information about us and what we look for in a...
How An Apeldoorn Community Theater Production Comes To Life
English Theater Apeldoorn will perform ‘Project Lipsync: Blondie vs. Queen’ on 30 June and 7 July in GIGANT Apeldoorn. Curious to learn how our production is made possible? Let us take you behind the scenes and share the ingredients of our multicultural theater...